Easy Prey (Love-Inspired Suspense) Page 17
Because it was. Over.
He said, “How are you?”
She surveyed him. Jonah’s face was pale, a sheen of sweat on his hairline. “I feel better than you look.”
Despite the bruises on her neck, she was okay. Nothing that sleep and a couple weeks of aches wouldn’t cure. He’d been shot.
Jonah chuckled, then groaned. But he didn’t lie down. He just sat there, his steel-gray eyes dark and focused on her.
“I’m exhausted, truth be told.” Elise sighed. “And gross.”
She badly needed a shower. Probably two just to get the smell of smoke out.
“I don’t think you’ve ever looked more beautiful.”
Elise laughed. “Not even the time we were in Canon Beach when I fell in that puddle and I was covered in mud?”
Jonah’s lips curled up into a genuine smile. “Not even.”
Sure, she’d been a child then. But it wasn’t like she looked like a movie star now. She was just a regular woman. Why did he think she was beautiful? He’d never even seen her made-up, ready to go out. Dressed nice, like in that yellow dress her friend had given her and she’d never worn.
“What is it?”
Elise shrugged. What was she supposed to say? Jonah had been shot because of her. He was going to have to take time off work because of her. Never before had he tolerated her holding him back from what he wanted to do. He’d always done what he had to and put her off until later.
Now all she could think of were the million reasons he had to do it again. What if, now that there was no reason to put a hold on their relationship, Jonah decided he didn’t want her?
His hand came up, his fingers touching her cheek so gently that she lifted her face. Elise looked at him through the sheen of tears.
Jonah’s hand left her face, and then he reacted. “Soot on your cheek. Sorry.”
She swiped at her face, probably making it worse. But who cared? They both already knew she was nothing special. “It’s fine.”
“Why does it feel like you’re pulling away?”
Elise shrugged. “I have a lot to do, and you need to get to the hospital. Eric will be back any minute. You should go with him and Hailey. Get checked out. You probably need stitches, or surgery—” Her voice broke then.
“Elise, I’m fine.” He chuckled. “Okay, not totally fine, but I will be. I’ll heal. But my heart won’t, not if you leave me like this, Elise.”
She blinked. “What?”
“I’m in love with you.”
She stared at him. He was going to do this now?
“I want a chance with you. I know you’re not about to up and leave town again, but I feel like if I don’t tell you now, then I’ll never get the chance. You ever feel like that? Like life is going to slip out of your fingers and you’ll never get it back?”
She nodded.
“So what do you say, Elise? You and me, forever?”
She squeezed her eyes shut, overwhelmed with the fact that she’d just been given everything she had always wanted. Nathan had been a blessing she’d never known she wanted, or needed. Jonah, a future with him… Forever. It was like finding the gold at the end of a rainbow.
She opened her eyes. “I do love you. That was never the problem.”
“So, then, what—”
Nathan knocked on the back door of the ambulance, like they were in an office meeting. “I’m heading out to check on Shera. I’ll take Sam with me, since he can’t go to the hospital. I can call, keep you posted on the tiger’s condition if you want.”
Elise shook her head. “I’m coming with you.”
She slipped from Jonah’s grasp before he could reach for her, and stumbled to the end of the ambulance, trying not to cry. Not yet. When she was alone was a different story, but Jonah didn’t need to see the affect he had on her.
“Mom, are you sure? You don’t need to come.”
“Sure I do. I’m the zookeeper now. One of my animals is hurt, and I should be there to make sure she’s going to pull through.”
Sam nudged her hand, making the lump in her throat thicken. She was going to choke on it if she didn’t get out of there.
Jonah might say he loved her, but that was because he hadn’t processed fully what had happened yet. When he did that, he was going to realize she wasn’t worth the trouble. And Elise had no intention of still being around when that happened. Talk about uncomfortable and embarrassing. There was no way she wanted to see it. Or to hear him apologize. Or see the sorry look in his eyes.
There was no way.
She didn’t look back at Jonah. He thought he wanted her there, but that was because he was pale and in shock. He’d lost blood all over the cellar floor. A pool of it.
An EMT brushed past her and shut the doors on Jonah, who was still calling out for her.
He needed to go to hospital, not to be stuck there, talking to her. He didn’t even know what he was saying, did he? He couldn’t. Otherwise he’d know she wasn’t the answer to his problems.
Some people just weren’t meant to be.
Jonah hit the button to raise the hospital bed. Soon as the nurse got back with crutches and his paperwork, he was out of there. Back to his empty house with not even his own dog to keep him company.
Unless he did something about it.
He’d thought they had an understanding, but evidently Elise didn’t know that. Jonah didn’t get how it was possible, given that he’d made his feelings pretty clear. So, what was holding her back? If Martin was alive, it might have been a different story. But he’d died a long time ago.
Whatever was in Elise’s head that was stopping her from fully connecting with him might have been there for a long, long time. Maybe even back to the day he left and joined the marines.
The door handle shifted. Then again. Then someone thumped the door. Finally it opened. Parker’s face was red from struggling with the door, and his hands were bandaged.
“Hey. How are you doing?”
Parker growled. “Can’t even get a stupid door open, how do you think I’m doing?”
Jonah bit back a grin. “You’ll be healed up in no time, I’m sure.”
“I better be.”
“So, what’s up? I’m leaving in a minute.”
“Back to the office?”
Jonah shook his head. “Got somewhere to be.”
“Oh. Right. I’ll be fast, then.” Parker didn’t look like he agreed with what Jonah was doing, but given his opinion on women in general, that wasn’t unexpected. Someone had broken his teammate’s heart, and it was going to take a God-style intervention to put the pieces back together.
Parker opened his mouth again, and Ames strode in the door. Parker grimaced. “Dude, where were you two minutes ago?”
“Talking to the nurse.” Ames grinned. “What of it? Just looking out for my boy here, getting an update.”
“Sure you were.” Jonah laughed. He was the opposite of Parker, but Jonah figured that didn’t necessarily mean Ames didn’t also have a broken heart. He was just better at hiding it.
Jonah glanced at Parker. “You wanna sit?”
His teammate nodded. “So it turns out that the reporter did an article six months back about your neighbor, Tucker. About what a shining example he was of being a vet, retired, giving back to the community. Probably followed him around for days. We figure that’s how the reporter first worked out that Tucker was up to something, because of the assignment, and why he was in the zoo office, when Elise found and spooked him.”
Jonah could see how that might’ve happened. “So Tucker gets wind of the reporter still being in his business. Or Zane realizes someone’s poking around, and they go after the reporter.”
Parker said, “PD thinks Tucker is the one who planted that bomb in the zoo office. Trying to destroy evidence and kill the reporter at the same time.”
“And then they decided to kill Elise since
they figured she knew, or she’d find evidence they might’ve missed.”
Ames leaned against the wall, arms folded. “Zane must have decided to use the flood to fake his death, figuring everyone would assume he was lost in the storm and his body simply washed away. Used the cover of the flood to move his business out of state, until it started to get out and he realized there were still loose ends to tie up. Maybe he was planning all along to kill Tucker before he left town.”
Jonah was seriously glad it was over. Elise was finally safe, finally able to start her life here in town. A life that hopefully was going to include him.
“Over now.”
Jonah nodded at Parker’s sage reply. “Sure is.”
“So where is she?” Ames glanced around, like Elise might’ve been hiding behind a curtain.
Jonah didn’t give them the satisfaction of looking discomfited by the question. “She went to check on Shera with Nathan. Sam wasn’t going to be able to come here, so he’s with her, too.”
Parker and Ames exchanged a look.
“Okay, fine.” Jonah folded his arms. “What do I do about Elise?”
Ames said, “Because you’re recovering from your valiant attempt to save your woman from the people trying to kill her, and she’s somewhere else? Not here, showing you just how grateful she is?”
“She’s grateful. I think she’s just also…scared.”
“Makes sense.” Ames nodded. “Your brother died. She probably doesn’t want a repeat of that.”
“As soon as the nurse gets back with my crutches and the paperwork, I’m going to find her.”
“But if you don’t know how to address her fears, it’s not going to be worth much.”
Parker shook his head. “They’re her fears. Jonah can’t bend over backward trying to solve a problem she has to come to terms with on her own.”
Ames said, “How long will that take? He’s waited nearly twenty years. You want him to wait even longer?”
“He might have to if there’s nothing he can do. She might have to get past this on her own, or not at all.” He turned to Jonah. “It’s been a long, harrowing weekend for her. Maybe you need to give her space for a little longer.”
“Okay, okay.” Jonah held up both hands.
The sense of urgency still hadn’t left him. God, I can’t even get up and walk to her myself. Can’t the nurse hurry up? Otherwise I’m stuck with these two and they’ll probably launch into another argument.
It was so much more natural now to reach out to God. He was Lord of Elise’s life, and Jonah wanted that same relationship with God from now on.
The nurse walked in, pushing a wheelchair, followed by an aide carrying crutches.
“Great.” Jonah moved to hop off the bed.
The nurse’s eyebrow rose. “Somewhere you need to be, Marshal?”
Ames grinned. “My boy’s got a hot date with the woman of his dreams.”
The nurse’s eyes turned wistful for a second; then she smiled. “Good for you.”
“I’d ask your advice, but I think I already figured out what I need to do to persuade her she should say yes to me.” He took two steps on the crutches and then turned back to his two teammates, motioning to the door. “I need a ride. Let’s go.”
Ames grinned. “I guess we’re coming with you.”
Parker pushed the wheelchair and waited with Jonah while Ames pulled the SUV around. By the time Jonah was buckled in the backseat, there was yet another sheen of sweat on his upper body.
Ames turned around. “Where to, sir?”
Jonah rattled off his mom’s address. “To start with.”
Ames pulled away from the curb while Jonah took his phone out and dialed his mom’s number.
She answered on the second ring. “Darling, how are you?” The concern in her voice was genuine, and made him feel better about what he was going to ask her for.
Since he couldn’t lie and say he was fine, Jonah said, “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
“Still nothing?”
Nathan slumped into the chair next to her. “Still nothing.”
Shera was still in surgery, but what did it mean that it was taking so long? A gunshot wound was complicated to repair whether it was a person or a tiger. Still, it was pretty uncommon for a vet to deal with. She prayed this one was competent enough, and Shera wasn’t past the point where she had enough strength for her big body to aid the healing process.
Nathan reached over and took her hand. “You okay?”
Elise shrugged. She wasn’t about to lie to him.
“I’m sorry I interrupted whatever that was between you and Uncle Jonah. I should’ve waited, but our ride was pretty anxious to leave.”
“It’s okay.”
“Is it?”
She shifted her body in the chair to look at him. Sam didn’t lift his head from her leg, and he didn’t open his eyes. “Why are you asking me that?”
“It’s pretty obvious how he feels about you,” Nathan said. “If I hadn’t heard him say it, I could have told you that by the look on his face when you walked away.”
He paused a moment, long enough for Elise to wonder why he was doing this. Then Nathan continued. “I want to know why you’re not jumping at the chance to have a relationship with him. I want to know why you’re going to let this opportunity pass by without at least trying, let alone fighting for something you want. I’ve seen you do it, when it’s an animal not receiving the proper care, or someone treating them like their lives aren’t worth anything. Why won’t you do that for yourself?”
She shook her head. “You don’t understand. It isn’t like that.”
“Isn’t it? I think you’re scared, but you know that it could be great. It could. You could be actually happy—”
“You think I’m not happy?”
“You are. To an extent. But I know there’s more you want. And I want to go to college knowing there’s someone here to spend time with you, to take care of you. Not that you can’t take care of yourself. I know you can. But I don’t want you to be alone, Mom.”
Elise bit her lip. She didn’t want to be alone, either, and she’d felt that way for a very long time. Having a child was a fulfilling experience, but it didn’t give the satisfaction a romantic relationship did. That a marriage would—to Jonah. She couldn’t think of anyone else she’d want to be married to. There was only him, there always had been and there always would be.
Could she let go of what was holding her back and finally seize what God had put in front of her—the chance to have what she had always wanted and never believed she would ever have again?
The door opened, got stuck and commotion brought her attention around as someone struggled to get in on crutches.
Elise jumped up. “Jonah?”
She ran to hold the door open, alarmed at the way he looked. He grimaced with each step. His eyes had lines and dark circles of exhaustion and he wasn’t any less pale than he’d been in the ambulance.
“Did they even help you at the hospital? You don’t look much better at all.”
He sat on the chair beside where she’d been, easing down slowly before he pushed out a breath between pursed lips. “Sewed me up. Gave me medicine.”
“Is it wearing off?”
He looked at his watch. “Can’t take more for an hour.”
Elise looked over at Nathan, sharing her concern with her glance. Nathan stood, squeezing her elbow as he passed. “I’m going to go check with the nurse again.”
Elise sat, and Jonah reached for her hand. With his other, he scratched Sam’s head while the dog licked his wrist.
She smiled at him. “You really don’t look well.”
“I’m well enough for this. But I might need a nap later.” Jonah lifted the back of her hand to his lips.
She allowed the sensation to wash through her, wondering that it was his presence that gave her the strength to overcome her fears
. Thank You, God, for that gift.
They both smiled. He said, “Let me go first, please.” When she nodded, he continued. “I’ve always loved you, Elise. You know that.”
She nodded. He’d told her, and more than proven it over the past few days.
“What I need to know is how you feel about me. Not years ago, but now. Today.” His eyes searched her face. “Do you love me?”
Elise took a breath, praying for yet more strength. “Of course I do.”
Jonah didn’t respond. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny velvet bag. “I got this from my mom.”
He grinned. “About ten minutes ago.”
Elise laughed.
He tipped the contents of the bag and held up a gorgeous antique diamond ring that would look ridiculous on her finger while she tended to dirty, smelly zoo animals.
“If you don’t like it—”
Elise stilled his hand. “I love it.”
His mother had given him what was clearly a family heirloom. Years ago Bernadette hadn’t gifted Martin with the ring to give to Elise, but she had given it to Jonah.
Elise didn’t need flashy things, but she thanked God for Bernadette’s acceptance of her. She didn’t deserve it, but it was a gift she would relish, anyway.
Nathan was right. She had to get past the fear and open her heart to Jonah.
She said, “There’s just one thing missing.”
“What’s that?”
“You actually have to ask the question.”
“Oh.” He blushed. “Right. Well, what do you say? Will you marry me, Elise?”
Fresh laughter bubbled up. “Are you even going to remember this when you come down off whatever pain medication they have you on?”
He looked aghast. “You think I’m going to forget?” He slung his arm around her shoulder. “Put me out of my misery, woman.”
The answer didn’t take away the fear, but she had a lifetime with Jonah for God to prove Himself faithful to her—to them.
“When? I don’t want to wait.”
Elise smiled. “I don’t want to wait, either.”
“Big or small ceremony?”
“Do you think we can have a small ceremony in your mom’s garden?”